Massachusetts Historical Society

Essay Collections



Edited by Matthew Mason, Katheryn P. Viens, and Conrad Edick Wright

各州并非生来平等,至少就其对美国历史的影响而言是如此. That assumption underlies Massachusetts and the Civil War. 该卷的十篇文章围绕马萨诸塞州在内战时期的国家意义进行了整合, 英联邦反映甚至模仿了联邦不稳定但真正的战时统一的方式, 以及海湾州在战后回到战前的分裂状态. 而不是试图总结该州对战时联邦的贡献的各个方面, 这些藏品的重点是它在国家统一大危机期间的独特影响.

The essays in Massachusetts and the Civil War originated from the conference of the same name, held at the Massachusetts Historical Society in April 2013.

June 2015. Order from University of Massachusetts Press
$90.00 Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-62534-149-5
$27.95 Paperback ISBN: 978-1-62534-150-1

What's New about the "New" Immigration? 1965年以来美国的传统与转变

What's New about the "New" Immigration? 1965年以来美国的传统与转变

Edited by Marilyn Halter, Marilynn S. Johnson, Katheryn P. Viens, and Conrad Edick Wright

Through the ten essays in this collection, 读者将发现广泛的经验,将告知他们今天的移民的理解. 新来者分享日常生活的东西,因为他们应付青少年, worship together, 并使用新的社交媒体维持远距离的家庭关系. In other instances, 1965年《利记手机官网》的通过标志着他们的经历, which ushered in the current immigration system. In this new context, 书中的男男女女勉强维持着低于最低工资的生活, 或者从事一项职业,为政治竞选做贡献. 他们通过联邦官僚机构寻求庇护,探寻公民身份的意义. 他们是波斯尼亚人、中国人、墨西哥人、亚洲印度人和尼日利亚人. They reside in Boston suburbs, the Nuevo South 在乔治亚州,富裕的达拉斯郊区,以及洛杉矶的中心. 但他们是美国各地社区新移民的代表.

What's New about the "New" Immigration? presents the work of recognized immigration scholars. 这是基于该学会召开的会议的一系列论文集中的最新一篇.

December 2014. Order from Palgrave MacMillan
$90.00 Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-137-48386-7

Margaret Fuller & Her Circles

Margaret Fuller & Her Circles

Edited by Brigitte Bailey, Katheryn P. Viens, and Conrad Edick Wright

这本文集中的文章重新审视了记者富勒, the reformer, the traveler, the social and cultural observer, and the author and critic. 他们聘请了一个成熟的学术机构做出新的贡献,并为富勒的生活和工作的研究设定了未来的方向. 作者是玛格丽特·富勒的主要学者之一, Transcendentalism, and the antebellum period.

January 2013. Order from the University Press of New England
$85.00 Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-61168-345-5
$35.00 Paperback ISBN: 978-1-61168-346-2
$34.99 Ebook ISBN: 978-1-61168-347-9

The Libraries, Leadership, & Legacy of John Adams & Thomas Jefferson

The Libraries, Leadership, & Legacy of John Adams & Thomas Jefferson

Edited by Robert C. Baron and Conrad Edick Wright

约翰·亚当斯和托马斯·杰斐逊意识到了教育的价值, of books, and of libraries in a democracy. 书籍和阅读在亚当斯和杰斐逊的思想和行为中扮演了什么角色? 他们是如何组织图书馆的,他们对图书馆里的书有多熟悉? How did these books inform their roles as founding fathers? This collection of essays, 来自一些研究亚当斯和杰斐逊的著名历史学家, 纪念这两位国父以及书籍和图书馆在美国的重要性.

320 pages
Order from the publisher, Fulcrum Publishing
$35.00 Hardcover (2010) ISBN: 978-1-936218-08-0

Remaking Boston: An Environmental History of the City & Its Surroundings

Remaking Boston: An Environmental History of the City & Its Surroundings

Edited by Anthony N. Penna and Conrad Edick Wright

Remaking Boston 考察了波士顿从早期冰川形成到现在的历史, 概述陆地和港口的物理特征和组成, 以及人类活动对环境的重大影响. Individual chapters address population movements, land use, infrastructure development, historic climate changes, biological adaptations, and reclamation projects, among other topics. 本书为都市环境的研究以及为后代改善和保护都市环境所做的努力提供了宝贵的经验.

340 pages
$40.00 Hardcover (2009) ISBN: 9780822943815

$27.95 Paperback (2013) ISBN: 9780822963011

Emerson Bicentennial Essays

Emerson Bicentennial Essays

Edited by Ronald A. Bosco and Joel Myerson

从庆祝他诞辰200周年的会议上发表的论文中, Emerson Bicentennial Essays 介绍了17项利记APP官网手机版爱默生的研究,涉及五个主题:“爱默生的建构”," "Emerson's Audience," "Emerson the Reformer," "Emerson the Poet," and "Emerson and the World of Ideas." In their treatment of the aesthetic, social, religious, philosophical, and political aspects of his life and work, 这些学者证实了爱默生在美国思想史和文学史上的卓越地位.

512 pages, 6 illustrations
Order from the University of Virginia Press

$60.00 Hardcover (2006) ISBN: 0-934909-89-X

Henry Adams & the Need to Know

Edited by William Merrill Decker and Earl N. Harbert

呈现十四篇文章,阐明亚当斯对知识的持续关注, 强调他的折衷主义和澄清批判性智力在公共生活中的作用的需要.

Henry Adams & the Need to Know

383 pages
Distributed by the University of Virginia Press

$50.00 Hardcover (2005) ISBN: 0-934909-87-3

World of John Winthrop: England & New England, 1588-1649

Edited by Francis J. Bremer and Lynn A. Botelho

The essays in 约翰·温斯洛普的世界:英格兰和新英格兰,1588-1649 大力主张跨大西洋和清教的英美领域的新统一, 以令人耳目一新的独特视角,将英国和殖民地的故事融合在一起.

World of John Winthrop: England & New England, 1588-1649

416 pages
Distributed by the University of Virginia Press

$50.00 Hardcover (2005) ISBN: 978-0-934909-88-4
$35.00 Paperback (2006) ISBN: 978-0-934909-96-9

Faces of Community: Immigrant Massachusetts, 1860-2000

Edited by Reed Ueda and Conrad Edick Wright

因为海湾之州成为世界各地因工业和城市发展而流离失所的移民的主要目的地, the essays in this volume offer important case studies, with national significance, 新移民和本地人如何相互适应,并重塑了美国社区的边界和身份. 这个合集探讨了将他们不同的种族经历利记手机官网在一起的社区创造和进化的共同方面, including, among others, Irish, French Canadian, Jewish, Italian, Swedish, Chinese, and African American.

Faces of Community: Immigrant Massachusetts, 1860-2000

269 pages, 7 illustrations
Order from the University of Virginia Press

$22.50 Paperback (2002) ISBN: 0-934909-82-2
$50.00 Hardcover (2002) ISBN: 0-934909-80-6

Hope & 光荣:马萨诸塞第54团的遗产随笔

Edited by Martin H. Blatt, Thomas J. Brown, and Donald Yacovone

这卷汇集了最好的学术上的历史54, the formation of collective memory and identity, 以及美国人对该团和圣高登纪念碑的故事的反应. 作者利用历史记录和对54周年纪念日的普遍纪念作为审视美国种族和社区的镜头. 这些文章的时间跨度从19世纪中期到现在,涵盖了历史, literature, art, music, and popular culture.

358 pages, 37 illustrations
$24.95 Paperback (2001) ISBN: 978-1-55849-722-1

John Adams & the Founding of the Republic

Edited by Richard Alan Ryerson

Praise from David McCullough, author of John Adams:
"With interest in John Adams and his world growing steadily, 这个精彩的收藏品来得太及时,太受欢迎了. 作者都是该领域的一流学者,都有很多有价值的话要说. I found the book totally absorbing from start to finish."

John Adams, lawyer, congressman, diplomat, vice president, and president, 拥有美国革命一代中最多样化和最有成效的公共事业之一. His many achievements, 在20世纪的大部分时间里,它被认为是理所当然的,甚至被忽视了, 在过去的十年中,是否吸引了历史学家的热情关注, political scientists, and more gradually, the larger public. This collection of essays, the first ever published on the nation's second president, 包括对他的生活和事业的全面介绍,以及由几位主要权威人士对亚当斯及其时代的丰富遗产的九次探索. In assessing John Adams, the authors consider many topics that have seldom, if ever, been examined in any detail. These include Adams's choice of public role models in provincial Massachusetts; a comparison of Adams and Thomas Jefferson as young men; Adams's aggressive diplomacy in Europe; his frustrating experience as vice president; the intricacies of the election of 1796; Adams's thoughts on free speech; a detailed study of Abigail Adams as President Adams's most important advisor; the novelty of Adams's authorship of a history of his own public career; and a study of his magnum opus, 捍卫美利坚合众国的宪法. 这既是对约翰·亚当斯生平和事业的最方便的简要介绍,也是利记APP官网手机版这位革命领袖的唯一新学术文集, 这本书对于充分理解亚当斯在美国历史上的重要性是必不可少的.

John Adams & the Founding of the Republic

304 pages
Order from the University of Virginia Press

$60.00 Hardcover (2001) ISBN 0-934909-78-4

Transient & Permanent: The Transcendentalist Movement & Its Contexts

Edited by Charles Capper and Conrad Edick Wright

Comprising 20 essays by leading scholars, 这本见解深刻的文集提供了最近利记APP官网手机版先验论者的最好的著作, 新英格兰的宗教改革者和知识分子在19世纪30年代到50年代挑战了精神和世俗的正统观念. The volume addresses Transcendentalism from many directions, illuminating the movement more clearly than ever before. 这些贡献考虑了先验主义者与他们的智力和社会世界之间关系的各个方面, assess the movement's cultural legacy, 并将先验主义置于历史和文学学术的背景下, past and present.

Transient & Permanent: The Transcendentalist Movement & Its Contexts

655 pages, 10 illustrations
Order from the University of Virginia Press

$75.00 Hardcover (1999) ISBN: 978-0-934909-76-1
$25.00 Paperback (2005) ISBN: 978-0-934909-81-5

Entrepreneurs: The Boston Business Community, 1700-1850

Entrepreneurs: The Boston Business Community, 1700-1850

Edited by Conrad Edick Wright and Katheryn P. Viens

Great merchants, investors, 长期以来,实业家一直主导着波士顿商业的历史编纂, 但这本文集敦促对香港商界进行更广泛的定义. 但我不否认殖民地波士顿的主要商人、中国商人或新英格兰纺织业的缔造者在经济上的重要性, 它还发现了活跃的企业活动的迹象,比如在以前历史学家很少寻找的地方, among artisans, women, and members of minority communities. Overall, 这证明了创新的商业意识在波士顿社区的各个领域都得到了体现.

466 pages, 14 illustrations, and 4 maps
Order from the University of Virginia Press

$45.00 Hardcover (1997) ISBN: 978-0-934909-70-9
$16.00 Paperback (1997) ISBN: 978-0-934909-71-6



Edited by Francis J. Bremer

"体现了当今清教研究的活力和多样性, 这本精心编辑的十一篇论文的合集有助于缩小美国和英国在这一领域的学术差距.——michael McGiffert,早期美国历史与文化研究所

这本文集深入研究了新的原始材料,并对现有文献进行了彻底的分析,以考察大西洋两岸的清教徒文化. The volume covers a wide range of topics, including conversion among Puritans and Amerindians, sects and the evolution of Puritanism, and the meanings of religious polemic.

317 pages
Order from the University of Virginia Press

$45.00 Hardcover (1993) ISBN: 978-0-934909-38-9
$16.00 Paperback (1994) ISBN: 978-0-934909-34-1

Massachusetts & the New Nation

Massachusetts & the New Nation

Edited by Conrad Edick Wright

这本文集研究了独立战争后一个州在美国生活转型中的作用. 当该州的公民努力建立他们的新联邦并确定其与还处于萌芽阶段的联邦政府的关系时, 他们被迫面对马萨诸塞州内外的挑战. Religious differences fractured the Standing Order, 在圣公会教徒的压力下将一神论派和公理会派分开, Baptists, and others urged an end to the religious establishment. Poverty posed problems for Massachusetts at large, and particularly for Boston, 与此同时,公职人员也在努力为英联邦及其首都建立新的政府机构. Massachusetts merchants had to develop new, 独立的贸易模式作为对美国退出大英帝国的回应. 外交官们必须为英联邦在世界秩序中找到一席之地. 马萨诸塞州的联邦官员需要解决国内最具争议性的问题, slavery. 这本文集中的文章揭示了马萨诸塞州是如何应对这些意想不到的独立问题的.

310 pages, 10 illustrations
Order from the University of Virginia Press

$40.00 Hardcover (1992) ISBN: 978-0-934909-28-0

American Unitarianism, 1805-1865

American Unitarianism, 1805-1865

Edited by Conrad Edick Wright

“这本经过编辑的书为一神论的新历史提供了一个极好的草图,并为进一步的研究提供了宝贵的刺激."—Journal of American History

虽然在过去的几十年里,学术界对一神论神学和道德思想的理解越来越复杂, 它经常未能将该教派的历史融入内战前美国的宗教和文化历史. 这本文集汇集了两代学者,他们的工作对一神论教会的发展及其在内战前美国生活中的作用提出了新的问题. 所有的撰稿人都关心的是,在当时的知识氛围中,新成立的一神论教会是如何定位的, and their work pays particular attention to social, psychological, and economic issues.

286 pages, 12 illustrations
Co-published with Northeastern University Press
For the availability of this title, please contact the Publications Department

$40.00 Hardcover (1989) ISBN: 978-1555530-47-1

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