
印刷目录 & 图片文章


塑造新英格兰家庭 book cover

作者:Kimberly S. 亚历山大. 前言由安妮E. 宾利

的 马萨诸塞州历史学会 has collected family materials since 1791, 包括长期珍藏的纺织品和服装,以及信件和日记. 塑造新英格兰家庭使用文件和文物来说明300多年的历史, moving from the 17th century to the early 20th. 的 text traces patterns of global production and local consumption and re使用, 展示了新英格兰人如何用时尚来表达阶级和政治立场. 爱国者和忠诚者在协会的富人中有很好的代表——亚当斯家族, 法, 和奥利弗——经常露面.

基于2018年10月至2019年4月在马萨诸塞州历史学会举办的同名展览, 这个配套的卷功能超过一百全彩色照片的服装, 纺织品, 及配件, many of which had never been displayed for the public or seen in living memory. 阅读更多利记APP官网手机版 塑造新英格兰家庭.


$35 Paperback (2021) ISBN: 978-1-936520-13-8


Front cover of 二等兵杰斐逊, paperback

Peter S. Onuf, Andrea Wulf和Henry Adams

你们中的一个.S. history’s most eminent figures, Thomas Jefferson is as elusive as he is revered. 二等兵杰斐逊 通过挖掘托马斯·杰斐逊最大的私人文件,为第三任总统的内心生活打开了一扇窗户, held at the 马萨诸塞州历史学会. 慷慨地说明了超过100全彩色建筑图纸的复制品, 信, 还有其他手稿.

阅读更多利记APP官网手机版 二等兵杰斐逊.

由 弗吉尼亚大学出版社

$35 Paperback (2016) ISBN: 978-1-936520-09-1
$60.00 Hardcover (2016) ISBN: 978-1-936520-08-4

的家具工 & 卡佛的

Cover of 木匠和雕刻师

杰拉德·W. R. 病房. Dennis Fiori的前言.

木匠和雕刻师 提供了一个机会,看到一组精心挑选的波士顿家具的重要例子,代表了这个城市伟大的家具制造传统的轨迹. Presented in close to 100 full-color illustrations, these objects illustrate many of the local characteristics that distinguish 波士顿 work from that of other cities; they also open a window on 波士顿ians’ tastes and preferences. Created by many of the city’s most talented cabinetmakers, 雕刻师, 体操运动员, 还有其他工匠, nearly all of this furniture is drawn from distinguished local collections, providing a rare public glimpse of these privately held treasures.

阅读更多利记APP官网手机版 木匠和雕刻师.


的订单, 亚马逊.

$30 Paperback (2013) ISBN: 978-1-936520-06-0

In Death Lamented: 的 Tradition of Anglo-American Mourning Jewelry

Cover of the book In Death Lamented

萨拉·内哈马. Prefaces by Sarah Nehama and Anne E. 宾利.

为配合和记录同名展览而编制的简编; In Death Lamented: 的 Tradition of Anglo-American Mourning Jewelry features full-color 照片 of prime examples of rings, 手镯, 胸针, and other pieces of mourning jewelry from the 17th, 18th, 19世纪. 目录, 比如MHS的展览, showcases the materials in the Society’s collection and that of Sarah Nehama, a jeweler and private collector who co-curated the event at the MHS. 的se elegant and evocative objects are presented in context, including written explanations of the history, 使用, 以及珠宝的意义, as well as related pieces of material culture, 比如舷侧, 照片, 肖像, 葬礼的奖牌, 还有交易卡. 的 jewelry included will illustrate some of the most exemplary types, 从早期带有死神头像的金手镯,到内战时期的珠宝胸针和复杂编织的发饰.


$35 Paperback (2012) ISBN: 978-1-936520-03-9

的 Adams Papers at the 马萨诸塞州历史学会


文/ Judith S. 玛格丽特·格雷厄姆. Hogan, Ondine Le Blanc, Gregg L. 和C. 詹姆斯·泰勒

With full-color illustrations on almost every page, 本卷展示了马萨诸塞州历史学会收藏的亚当斯相关手稿. 选集分为四章——其中一章是利记APP官网手机版约翰和阿比盖尔著名的通信,另一章是利记APP官网手机版约翰对革命的贡献——每一章都提供了对历史背景的简短解释.

利记手机官网 出版部门 订购.

$20.00 Paperback (2008) ISBN: 978-0-934909-92-1

Sample pages from the Adams Papers catalog


Front cover of 独立宣言

Compiled by the staff of the 马萨诸塞州历史学会. Pauline Maier介绍

这个大尺寸, 这本软皮书利用协会的藏品来说明《利记APP官网手机版》的历史——它的印刷、发行以及起草过程. 这些图像包括托马斯·杰斐逊和约翰·亚当斯手中的手稿副本, the first printing by John Dunlap of Philadelphia, 以及后来的各种印刷品(包括将独立宣言的文字排列成乔治·华盛顿四分之三的肖像). Pauline Maier的介绍给出了该文件创建的详细历史, 把它放在重要的历史人物和新国家的普通民众的背景下.

$8.00 Paperback (2003) ISBN: 0-934909-83-0

To order this title, please print out the 订单 and mail it to the Society with your check.

We Fight for Freedom: Massach使用tts, African Americans & 南北战争

By Donald Yacovone, with a foreword by James O. 霍顿

这篇利记APP官网手机版非裔美国人对联邦努力的贡献的精彩介绍也展示了非裔美国人历史上非凡的视觉材料. 这本书强调了马萨诸塞州第54步兵团的努力——这个团在电影中出现过 荣耀-利用协会档案中丰富的相关论文和独特的照片. To find out more about this photograph collection, go to the 摄影收藏 网页.

To order this title, please email pubstaff@zhongxinboligang.com. (A $2.50航运 & handling fee will be added to all mailed orders.)

$10.平装本(2022,第2版. ed.) isbn: 978-0-934909-66-2

Paul Revere's Three Accounts of His Famous Ride

Front cover of Paul Revere's Three Accounts of His Famous Ride

Compiled by the staff of the 马萨诸塞州历史学会. 埃德蒙·S介绍. 摩根

的 old favorite was redesigned and updated in 2000 with new插图. 的 pairing of Revere's accounts of his ride, as both facsimiles and careful transcriptions, 亨利·沃兹沃思·朗费罗的这首著名的诗让读者可以比较这一关键事件的不同版本.

To order this title, please print out the 订单 and mail it to the Society with your check.

$8.平装本(2000年,修订版). ed.) isbn: 0-934909-94-6


编译:John D. 玛丽·E·库欣. 玛丽·E·科格斯韦尔著. 爱德华·法比舍夫斯基. 汉森和Brenda M. 劳森

Title page of the 1796 catalog of the 马萨诸塞州历史学会

By 1796 the library of the 马萨诸塞州历史学会, 成立于1791年, had grown to such an extent that a printed catalog became necessary. 出版的目录1,292 entries includes works on political, 社会, 经济, 宗教, 以及当时的历史事件,以及与美国殖民地和独立战争有关的作品. 1796年目录的200周年纪念版包括原始文件的高质量传真复制品, a transcription with fully annotated entries for each of the original titles, 以及大量的附录. Elucidating as it does the library of the nation's first historical society, this is an important resource for bibliophiles and historians alike.


$85.00 Hardcover (1997) ISBN: 0-943909-69-5


Compiled by the staff of the 马萨诸塞州历史学会

Front cover the book Witness to America's Past

这张插图齐全的目录, 这本书是为了配合马萨诸塞州历史学会在美术博物馆举办的200周年展览而出版的, 波士顿, provides the reader with an engaging view of the books, 手稿, 艺术作品, and historical artifacts that the Society collected over 200 years. 装满了彩板, 黑白插图, 项目详细说明, and entertaining anecdotal information, 该目录通过对实物文物的检查,使美国和马萨诸塞州历史上许多最重要的事件栩栩如生. 这本书描述了该协会收藏的160多件最具历史意义的物品——从绘画到绘画, 打印, 从波士顿倾茶事件中收集的茶叶等不寻常的物品, a bureau whose drawers supposedly ho使用d a witch during the Salem witch trials, and 照片 of soldiers from the Massach使用tts 54th Regiment, 内战期间在北方组建的最重要的非裔美国人军团.

Copublished with the M使用um of Fine Arts, 波士顿

$25.00 Paperback (1991) ISBN: 0-87846-334-8


By Andrew Oliver, Ann Millspaugh Huff, and Edward W. 汉森

A comprehensive inventory of MHS portraiture, including information about subject, 艺术家, 以及可用的来源. Illustrated in black-and-white and color.


$50.00 Hardcover (1988) ISBN: 0-934909-26-1




To order this title, please print out the 订单 and mail it to the Society with your check.

$8.00 Paperback (1988) ISBN: 978-0-934909-67-9


Compiled by the staff of the 马萨诸塞州历史学会. 伯纳德·拜林作序

这是一本利记APP官网手机版美国独立战争传奇战役的文件和视觉文物的精彩资料书. Reproductions show the reader maps and plans of fortifications, 战斗本身的雕刻, official reports and British caricatures, 一位美国士兵在给母亲的信中详细而感人地描述了这场战斗.

To order this title, please print out the 订单 and mail it to the Society with your check.

您也可以查看a 网络展览 of the Battle of Bunker Hill materials on display in the Society's gallery.

$8.00 Paperback (1968) ISBN: 978-0-934909-01-3

